Dating Site Without Premium Membership
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Date Positive is a pioneering positive singles dating site, having over 6000 members. Date Positive is open for people outside the UK also, though most active members are from the UK itself. Incepted in 2006, Date Positive is one of the most trusted and affordable dating sites. With a nominal monthly fee, a member can access a set of features that are offered by premium sites at high prices. It is easy to use and connect with other members. Date Positive also provides a comprehensive directory of resources with information on various STDs, medical columns, support forums, etc.

An intended user can join Date Positive free of cost. The users can access many of the features that Date Positive has to offer without paying anything under the standard membership plan. The members are required to upgrade their membership from standard to premium for accessing all features. The upgrading gives the members additional features, such as email exchange, advanced search, video watching and access to chat rooms. The 1-month premium membership priced is 3.99 pounds, and 3-month premium membership is 8.99 pounds. Once the membership is over, the user goes back to being a regular member again.
Protect policy
Date Positive protects the information shared by a member for internal use and does not share it outside the domain of the website. The standard membership does not give the members many privacy settings, but with the premium membership, the privacy settings go a notch higher. The user has the power to decide with which other users he wants to share his personal information.
Sign up
The signup process is very simple. When an intended user clicks on Register Now, Date Positive redirects him to a page for free registration. A few fields, such as first name, last name, sex and date of birth are obligatory, while many others, such as the mobile number and Skype name are optional. The registration also requires the user to give a title and a description of the profile that he wishes to create. After the form is duly filled and submitted, the intended user needs to wait for approval.
Date Positive has a user-friendly layout, with simplicity at its very core. The home page has a simple structure with the tabs of various features on top of the page, along with registration and login information and various user testimonials. Each tab redirects to its particular feature by a simple click. The home page also carries the latest news, and expert help that people are suffering from HIV and Herpes might want to seek.

Ease of use
At 8.99 pounds for three months subscription, Date Positive offers a broad range of features for its premium customers. The home page has all the necessary information and functions that a user requires. By a simple click, he can redirect to the individual features of the site.

- It is very easy to search through other profiles on Date Positive.
- The Image and Audio Gallery feature allow the users to share their pictures and audio messages with others. Also, the user has complete control over who can access these photos and sounds.
- A member can create his blog and can also invite other users to read it.
- The Forum and Blog feature offer the members a chance to know each other better off the site. While the blog brings people with HIV and Herpes on a common platform, the forum presents a fair opportunity for like-minded individuals to share their views and bond with each other.
- A favorite list and a hotlist can be maintained to manage interactions with others.
- The feature My Matches automatically selects the profiles which match the user’s preferences.
- The mailbox feature allows the user to use his in site email account to send emails to other members.
- My control panel helps the user to monitor and modify his personal settings.
- A member can make use of the flirts feature to send flirts to other members to let them know that he is interested.
- Ask the Expert feature allows a member to get in touch with an expert to discuss STDs, sexual health, various symptoms, and treatments.
- A user can keep a tab on the activities of others and can also tweak his settings.
- A member can reach out to a larger number of individuals by entering a chat room.
- While the site has a list of useful FAQs, the website also offers technical support.
Which STD singles does Date Positive have?
Date Positive has members suffering from HIV and Herpes. While anybody can join and avail the features offered by Date Positive, the primary focus is definitely on Herpes dating and HIV dating. It is a support site that aims to help, support and motivate the individuals suffering from HIV and Herpes.
STD Support
Date Positive does an excellent job in providing STD support to the ones who need it. Not only can people suffering from Herpes and HIV interact with each other, but they can also seek expert advice. A member can send their question to the help desk with a surety that his personal identity would be kept confidential. The questions could be regarding STDs, sexual health, symptoms, and treatments, and an expert will answer them and the member can find the answer in is email account in a matter of 5-7 days.

A member can search for other members based on the following search criteria
- Basic search: Such as gender, age, city, state, province, country, distance and zip code.
- Advanced search: An advanced search can be carried out by advanced features, such as orientation, seeking, drinking and smoking habits, hair color, eye color, body type, marital status, illness, religion, and children.
- Username search: A member search by username can also be carried out.
Room for improvement
While Date Positive provides a great platform for people suffering from HIV and Herpes to socialize and interact with each other from all over the world, the profiles of individuals outside the UK are not very active. It is one area for improvement so that it has a wider user base. Another feature that needs improvement is the mobile version of Date Positive, which is very basic and not very informative.
Date Positive offers a large number of features for a member at a very competitive price of 8.99 pounds for three months. A member can continue using the essential features at absolutely no cost. It is very easy to communicate with other users. Each profile carries enough details to help the user decide who he wants to approach. While the exhaustive list of features is sufficient to keep a member hooked on to the site, the advice offered by the experts goes a long way in helping individuals with Herpes and HIV.
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