Indian Matchmaking Services


Desi Jodi takes every minute detail in high regards, and would ask you to read on to know more about our strict terms and conditions, making our site the safest matrimonial match online.

Indian Dating with EliteSingles. Using our unique matchmaking technology, we’re helping Indian singles right across the US find long-lasting love – and you can join them! If you’re looking for a serious dating site, full of well-educated, mature and eligible singles, then you’re in the right place.

Indian Matchmaking Services Nyc

  • Desi Jodi would not and is not responsible for lack of matrimonial matches
  • Desi Jodi provides no refunds or money back guarantees on any of its services, vendors included
  • Desi Jodi takes no responsibility on individual matters prior to the wedding and thereafter
  • Desi Jodi does not perform background checks or personal checks for the client
  • Every registered member on Desi Jodi is of age 22 and above
  • Only with the permission of the client, would personal contact details, email addresses, telephone numbers, addresses and status quo of the candidate would be shared, not otherwise.
  • Desi Jodi has no responsibility over the vendors associated with the portal, their offers, services and products. Personal checks on behalf of the client on the vendors status quo is not the responsibility of Desi Jodi
  • It is agreed by you to use the site as per the terms and conditions mentioned and set forth on Desi Jodi
  • Client requirements would be honoured, and specifications for the matches would be taken into high esteem, sans the guarantee on the number of introductions made
  • Post the introduction, it is left to the client to contact one another, through any form they deem fit, Desi Jodi wouldn’t involve itself in the process or wouldn’t take responsibility for the same

Indian Matchmaking Services Usa

  1. One of India's best known brands and the world's largest matrimonial service was founded with a simple objective - to help people find happiness. The company pioneered online matrimonials in 1996 and continues to lead the exciting matrimony category.
  2. An online dating service is a company that provides specific mechanisms (generally websites or software applications) for online dating through the use of Internet-connected Personal Computers or mobile devices. Such companies offer a wide variety of un moderated matchmaking services, most of which are profile-based.

Indian Matchmaking Services Reviews

It is important to keep goodwill in the community, and marriages especially are a life-long commitment of trust, honor and respect for two individuals and their families.