Seeking Arrangement Profile Ideas

Detail the important things you like in life and likewise those you dislike, each with a quick 1-line summary. Detail your pastimes as well as rate of interests and also be very details here. No reason to be described. Discuss your favorite food, dining establishment, and movies- that's always a secure selection. Seeking Arrangement Sugar Baby Profile Examples Seeking Arrangement is the most popular sugar dating site. Sugar babies and sugar daddies both use the app and website to meet and discover each other. Some are kind enough to share their Seeking Arrangement sugar baby profile. Seeking Arrangement Sugar Baby Profile Examples Seeking Arrangement is the most popular sugar dating site. Sugar babies and sugar daddies both use the app and website to meet and discover each other. Some are kind enough to share their Seeking Arrangement sugar baby profile.

Best Dating Headlines for Men. Optimistic, understanding, and patient. My goals are distinct. Want a faithful woman with the same virtues. Opposite poles attract! I’m brave and courageous, but looking for a timid and gentle partner. Finding a good woman is like nailing Jello to a. Since each profile gets manually screened by Seeking Arrangement support, it takes up to 24 hours to get posted. Therefore, it’s in your best interest to have it edited and perfected before submission. If you want someone to invest time and sugar in you, devote at least some effort to your profile.

Here are some examples of online dating profiles. If you wish to understand the concepts behind these examples, please read Creating Your Awesome Online Dating Profile.

For creating the profile for sugar daddy dating you can read: What do You Write in the Profile to Attract a Sugar Daddy.

Online Dating Profile Examples


I may not be a supermodel, but at least I smell nice… well, that’s what my grandma tells me.

When I’m not busy ‘saving the world’ or ‘being awesome’, I spend my time working as a bartender and part-time chef. Cooking is one of my greatest passions in life and I dream of one day starting my own restaurant. Ultimately, I’d like to be known for serving the most delicious peanut butter and jelly sandwiches on this side of the Mississippi… my mom’s secret recipe is off the hook!

On my days off, you’ll either find me playing hockey or belting out show-tunes with my 6-month-old nephew Jason. He says we should take our act on the road, but I think he needs to brush up on his harmonies first.

I’m looking for a partner-in-crime who enjoys the outdoors and isn’t afraid to step on the dancefloor from time-to-time. Don’t worry if you have ‘two left feet’ – I spent six years training at the Gangnam-Style School of Dance, and can teach you how to do the hokey pokey for a nominal fee.

Anyway, if you’re easy-going and at least 87% awesome, feel free to drop me a line sometime!

I have to say it is not good for you, it is silly, I mean, light-hearted.

Seeking arrangement profile ideas for teens

Do you put so many useless details just for proving that you are a waitress or a nightclub girl? Well, if you can cook, just put your delicious productions and we would like to imagine how is it smell, instead of whether you smell nice…And if you good at dancing, writing that you are fond of dance and you have a thing for guy who can dance with you, you do not have to mention that you “spent six years training at the Gangnam-Style School of Dance”, that gives you an image that you are a girl who can only dance while unlearned.



1. Sarcastic, sophisticated, witty, dorky, sensitive and free-spirited. Also a fan of adjectives.

2. A wizard in the kitchen. Gordon Ramsey once told me that I was his idol… Ok, maybe not, but I’m sure he’d love the flavor of my home-made gnocci.

3. Nomadic Adventurer. I’ve set foot on 5 continents and have a thirst for exploring more. I hope to one day go vacationing on Mars as I’ve heard the mountains are glorious.

4. Full of random (and oftentimes useless) information. I will kick your butt at Trivial Pursuit.

Seeking Arrangement Profile Tips


1. Intelligent, sweet, down-to-earth and adventurous. Bonus points if you’re a little bit quirky.

2. An ambitious go-getter. I’m attracted to people who set big goals and put all their effort into pursuing them. Even if your life’s dream is to become the world’s greatest thumb-wrestler, I totally dig it.

3. A non-smoker… or at least trying to quit. As open-minded as I am, I have to draw the line at cigarettes. I can’t stand their smell and don’t want to be around smoke all the time.

4. Pet-friendly. My cat Felix loves to meet new people, but if you’re allergic to fur, the two of you probably won’t get along. 🙁

Me + You:

An undeniably awesome couple with amazing chemistry. Let’s make the world jealous!

Seeking Arrangement Profile Ideas

Simple, good, and good to know.It is a funny and to-the-point online dating profile, I have to say Ah, yes, this is the model I was interested in.

But still, it was kinda thoughtless in last paragraph, An undeniably awesome couple with amazing chemistry. Let’s make the world jealous! Seems good, as long as there has someone holds the same idea as you.But what if they can’t make it, as these words sounds really too specific and “too much”? They read, feel difficult, they leave. That happens.

Can be a bit vague, leave some space to your potential couple (still anonymous), so that you two have time to mix in.



I’m a graduate of Texas Christian University, where I majored in Post-Modern Literature. Yup, that’s right, reading is my biggest hobby… 80% of the time you’ll find me with my nose deep in a book (except on Sunday nights from 9 – 10 PM when Breaking Bad is on – GO HEISENBERG!).

Travelling is also a major passion of mine, and I spend a lot of my free-time planning out future adventures. I would love to travel through South America sometime, especially Argentina. Something about the culture just speaks to me… not to mention, they make fantastic wine.

I have an 18 month old german shepherd named Ringo – he unfortunately lost one of his legs in a car accident, but he’s still the cutest thing on the planet! I love animals and hope to meet someone who shares this passion.

Aim Profile Ideas

As for the kind of woman I’m looking for… she knows what she wants out of life and has her finances in check. She enjoys the outdoors, tries to eats healthy and likes to take a midnight stroll from time-to-time.

Please Note: If you can’t go 5 minutes without checking Facebook on your phone, we’re probably not a good match. However, if you enjoy having thought-provoking conversation and aren’t afraid of the occasional spirited debate, give me a shout!

Straightforward and Down-to-Earth. If you want to have a successful profile to attract some guys who share you the same goal for a relationship yet you are an ordinary girl – you really don’t have that many charms to put it out. I recommend you to learn this.

Put your hobbies and interests in, use some interesting and detailed words to describe, not too ego or too nerd, with some cute&sweet topic such as gods and family.


First Meeting, Potential Sugar Daddy, Privacy, Risk, Seeking Arrangement, Smart, Sugar Baby, Sugar Daddy, Sweet, Wine

Dear Secret Provacateurs,

I met with another potential SD last night. It was another lovely evening, there was some chemistry but I also do not see this going anywhere. On the plus side, this evening I discussed with the gentleman, let us call him “L,” the issue with online dating (ESPECIALLY SD/SD dating) and privacy.

Think about it. As a prospective Sugar Daddy, you generally make a lot of money, are in some big business, and some have a high profile. As such, many will not post their photos on the site and change their names. But eventually, the exchange of photos happens and poof! The cover is blown. This means that young perspective SBs that communicate with potential SDs have names, e-mails, if there is texting involved then phone numbers as well, and photos to boot. Well hey, I see legal implications written ALLL over this. While I am not personally inclined to start any trouble, I am just doing some sociological research, I cannot say the same for all of the women on the site.

For the potential Sugar Babies out there, well I see the risks being just as high. Take me, for example, an ambitious student who works in a great place and hopefully on the way to doing great things. On Seeking Arrangement at least, Sugar Babies are not allowed to privatize their photos unless they pay a fee and upgrade to a “Premium” account. Now consider your city, big or small. Consider all the men on the site, browsing your page, contacting you, wanting to “spoil” you in exchange for your company, whatever that company turns out to be. Consider the positions these men hold, many married.

What To Put In Seeking Arrangement Profile

Now consider this: Every wealthy and powerful man in your city, and even across the globe, may have stumbled upon your page, scoped out your photo and perhaps even contacted you with some offer or other.

I don’t know about the other women on the site, but I couldn’t help but stare at the floor as I went to work. What if one of these suits recognizes me? Worse, what if, in a semester’s time, I head out for my job interviews and, lo and behold, my interviewer, and potential boss, recognizes my face? What does that mean?


Thanks to “L,” I found a way to alter my face on the site. This is great as at least only those I choose to show my face can see it. The risks remain, however, as photos eventually get exchanged.

One thing different about online dating is that appearances are everything. “Personality” is secondary, once your pictures are approved by a potential SD, they want to meet you to make sure you haven’t photo shopped yourself into an entirely different individual. THEN, once the relief of seeing that you are who you say you are has set in, on both ends, personality comes into play.

Seeking Arrangement Profile Ideas For Students

“L” and I started out at a local brewery. We talked over wine at the bar and then decided to sit for a bite. This was great since it meant that we carried on conversation easily. We talked about all sorts of things, travel, love, lack thereof in both arenas. It was very easy being in his company. He was kind, polite and a gentleman. I, of course, played the lady (had to go through the awkward “I can split the bill” awkward-hand-on-wallet moment I mentioned in my last post) but he, as is the usual custom in dating, turned me down and covered the bill.

Seeking Arrangement Profile Ideas For Teachers

We parted ways and decided to meet in the new year if we still felt so inclined. I am not so sure that I am, but I, again, learned a lot about his business and the way his life turned out the way it did.

Seeking Arrangements Heading Examples

Lots of insight, a great pal, no sparks. A few more messages in my inbox and I pray my luck holds out and no creepers come along.

p.s. Some SD wanting to pay for sex, who sprung it on me, keeps texting me. I do not respond. How long do you think before he gets the hint? I’ve told another point blank, “I am not interested” and he has laid off. I think its time to respond in kind with this one.

Your thoughts are welcome, as are your questions, concerns or things you would suggest I look into while I’m still brave enough to pull this stunt off.

Stay tuned…

Hugs & Kisses,
